Konečne som navštívila Lindu v jej novej škriatkovskej nore. Pustila mi francúzske rádio, naservírovala trojchodové raňajky a vzala ma do parku, kde mi porozprávala lokálnu urban legend o pávoch, ktorých si niekto ulovil na obed. Vraj tam ale už žijú nové, tie sme nevideli, len počuli, možno vedia, čo robia:)
Finally I visited Linda in her new dwarfish hole. She tuned french radio, offered me three-coursed breakfast and then took me to the park, where (according to urban legend) peacocks used to live - before somebody ate them... But now, new peacocks live here - we could hear them, but could not see them. Maybe they are invisible now, just in case:)
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